26 December 2019, Phnom Penh – The Philippine Embassy in Phnom Penh rendered consular services and overseas voting registration in Siem Reap during its two-day consular outreach mission on 21-22 December 2019.

The Embassy offered the following services: overseas voting registration, Embassy I.D. issuance and renewal; passport renewal and passport extensions; civil registry (Report of Birth and Report of Marriage); and notarial services (e.g. acknowledgment of employment contract, affidavit of invitation, etc.).

Filipinos who availed themselves of the consular services expressed their appreciation for the mobile outreach especially with the upcoming Christmas holidays and commended the excellent service of the consular staff who were “kind, courteous, and very accommodating.”

Siem Reap is six (6) hours away by land travel from Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital. The Embassy regularly conducts a mobile outreach in said areas at least once a year. END

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