Note: Filipinos who intend to avail themselves of consular services are encouraged to book an appointment by clicking the following link:




A. Renewal of e-Passports


1. Personal Appearance

2. Accomplished application form

3. Current ePassport with photocopy of data page

4. Fee $60.00

5. For Change of Surname

Original Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)- issued documents that will support change of name (if applicable);

  • Marriage Contract
  • Annotated Birth Certificate
  • Annotated Marriage Contract to show annulment/divorce/court ordered instruction
  • Death Certificate of Spouse Additional supporting documents such as Birth Certificates from NSO/PSA on Security Paper, maybe required as necessary especially for Applicants whose previous/old passport does not bear both the municipality and province under "place of birth".

Renewal of Green Passports and any older passports


1. Personal Appearance

2. Accomplished application form

3. Fee $60.00

4. Original Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) - issued

  • Married Females must also submit Original copy of PSA issued Marriage Contract on Security Paper or Report of Marriage

5. Any of the following valid IDs with one (1) photocopy:

  • Social Security System (SSS)/Government Service Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card
  • Land Transportation Office (LTO) Driver's License
  • Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID
  • Commission on elections (COMELEC) Voter's ID or Voter's Registration Record from COMELEC Head or Regional Office
  • Senior Citizen ID
  • School ID (for students)

Renewal of Machine Readable Passports (Maroon)


1. Personal Appearance

2. Accomplished application form

3. Fee $60.00

4. Original Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)-issued Birth Certificate on Security Paper;

  • Married Females must also submit original PSA- issued, Marriage Contract on Security Paper or Report of Marriage

5. Any of the following valid IDs with one (1) photocopy:

  • Social Security System (SSS)/Government Service Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card
  • Land Transportation Office (LTO) Driver's License
  • Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID
  • Commission on elections (COMELEC) Voter's ID or Voter's Registration Record from COMELEC Head or Regional Office
  • Senior Citizen ID
  • School ID (for students)

In addition to the primary requirements, the following SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS will be further required for the following cases:

  1. In case of Lost VALID Passport


  • Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)- issued Birth Certificate in Security Paper and a photocopy
  • Married Females: Original PSA-issued, DFA- authenticated Marriage Contract on Security Paper
  • Any of the following valid IDs with one (1) photocopy:
    • Social Security System (SSS)/Government Service Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card
    • Land Transportation Office (LTO) Driver's License
    • Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID
    • Commission on elections (COMELEC) Voter's ID or Voter's Registration Record from COMELEC Head or Regional Office
    • Senior Citizen ID
    • School ID (for students)
  • Police Report in English
  • Affidavit of Loss in English
  • Fee $175.00 (inclusive of the payment for the Affidavit of Loss)


  • Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)-issued Birth Certificate in Security Paper and a photocopy
  • Married Females: Original copy PSA- issued Marriage Contract on Security Paper
  • Any of the following valid IDs with one (1) photocopy
    • Social Security System (SSS)/Government Service Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card
    • Land Transportation Office (LTO) Driver's License
    • Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID
    • Commission on elections (COMELEC) Voter's ID or Voter's Registration Record from COMELEC Head or Regional Office
    • Senior Citizen ID
    • School ID (for students)
  • Affidavit of Loss in English
  • Fee $175.00 (Inclusive of the payment for the Affidavit of Loss)

3. In case of Renewal of a frequently Lost Passport


  • Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)-issued Birth Certificate in Security Paper and a photocopy
  • Married Females: Original PSA-issued Marriage Contract on Security Paper
  • Any of the following valid IDs with one (1) photocopy:
    • Social Security System (SSS)/Government Service Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card
    • Land Transportation Office (LTO) Driver's License
    • Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID
    • Commission on elections (COMELEC) Voter's ID or Voter's Registration Record from COMELEC Head or Regional Office
    • Senior Citizen ID
    • School ID (for students)
  • Police Report in English
  • Affidavit of Loss in English
  • Fee $175.00 (Inclusive of the payment for the Affidavit of Loss)

4. In case applicant is a Dual Citizen

  • Government-issued IDs (Refer to Valid Philippines Government Issued IDs or their secondary citizenship/residence counterparts)
  • Report of Birth OR Identification Certificate issued by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate or the Bureau of Immigration

5. In case applicant is a Naturalized Citizen

  • Identification Certificate of Naturalization from the Bureau of Immigration

6. In case applicant is a Filipino citizen by Election

  • Affidavit of Election of Philippine Citizenship
  • Identification Certificate of Election from BI

              Passport Application form- Please click here to download


  1. Requirements for New Application:

(If parents are married)

  • Accomplished Application Form
  • Personal appearance of minor applicant and either parent
  • Report of Birth (issued by the Embassy)
  • PSA-issued Marriage Certificate of parents
  • Passports of both parents and one photocopy each

(If parents are not married)

  • Accomplished Application Form
  • Personal appearance of minor applicant and the mother
  • Report of Birth issued by the Embassy
  • Passports of mother and one photocopy
  1. Requirements for Renewal:

 (If parents are married)

  • Accomplished Application Form
  • Personal appearance of minor applicant and either parent
  • PSA-issued Birth Certificate or Report of Birth issued by the Embassy
  • PSA-issued Marriage Certificate of parents
  • Passports of both parents and one photocopy each
  • Passport of minor applicant and one photocopy

(If parents are not married)

  • Accomplished Application Form
  • Personal appearance of minor applicant and the mother
  • PSA-issued Birth Certificate or Report of Birth issued by the Embassy
  • Passports of mother and one photocopy
  • Passport of minor applicant and one photocopy

            Passport Application Form- Please click here to download 




  1. Personal Appearance
  2. Accomplished application form
  3. Fee $60.00
  4. Original Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)-issued, Department of

Foreign Affairs (DFA)- Authenticated Birth Certificate on Security Paper.

  • Married Females must also submit original PSA-issued, DFA- Authenticated Marriage Contract on Security Paper or Report of Marriage.

5. Any of the following valid IDs with one 1 photocopy:

    • Social Security System (SSS)/Government Service Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) Card
    • Land Transportation Office (LTO) Driver's License
    • Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) ID
    • Commission on elections (COMELEC) Voter's ID or Voter's Registration Record from COMELEC Head or Regional Office
    • Senior Citizen ID
    • School ID (for students)


In addition to the primary requirements, the following supporting documents will be further required in the following cases:

  1. In case of late Registered Birth Certificate:
    • If Birth Certificate was registered at least ten (10) years ago, application will be treated as a regular application, and no additional supporting documents will be required
    • If Birth Certificate was registered less than ten (10) years ago, applicant must submit IDs that pre-date the late registration
    • If applicant has no IDs that pre-date the late registered Birth Certificate, the applicant must produce current IDs and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance
  1.  In case applicant has NO Birth Certificate or Report of Birth:
  • If applicant is born AFTER 1950:
    • Applicant must first file for late registration with the Local Civil Registrar or Consular Office with jurisdiction over the place where applicant was born. Applicant will then submit the original copy of the PSA- issued, DFA- authenticated late registered Birth Certificate with the requisite supporting documents and IDs that pre-date the late registration.
  • If applicant is born ON OR BEFORE 1950:
    • Applicant must submit original PSA -issued, DFAauthenticated Certificate of No Birth Record and Affidavit of Two Disinterested Persons attesting to the identity of the applicant.


3. If an applicant's marriage has been dissolved and wants to revert to her maiden surname

  • Applicant must submit the original copy of the annotated PSAissued, DFA- authenticated Marriage Certificate (MC) or Report of Marriage (ROM) stating that the marriage has been dissolved; or
  • Alternatively, if the annotated MC or ROM from PSA is not yet available, applicant must submit a Certified True Copy of the Court Order dissolving the marriage and a Certificate of Finality from the court


4. If applicant has lacking data in Birth Certificate or Report of Birth

  • Applicant must submit proof of filing of supplemental Report or correction from the Local Civil Registrar (LCR)


5. If applicant has discrepancy in data in Birth Certificate / Report of Birth and other documents (If the discrepant data is in the BC, the applicant must submit annotated birth certificate authenticated by PSA reflecting the corrected entry. If the discrepant data is in the other documents, the BC will be followed.)

  • Discrepancy in first name:
    • Applicant must submit a copy of the petition and supporting documents for correction of first name filed with LCR or consulate
  • Discrepancy in other data:
    • Applicant must submit annotated birth certificate authenticated by PSA reflecting the corrected entry


6. If the applicant is a Dual Citizen

  • Original PSA-issued, Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)- authenticated Birth Certificate/Report of Birth and Original Identification Certificate issued by the Foreign Service Post(FSP) or the Bureau of Immigration (BI) and a photocopy
  • Government issued IDs (Philippine or from country of second citizenship)


7. If applicant is a Naturalized Filipino Citizen

  • Identification Certificate of Naturalization from BI

8. If applicant obtained Filipino citizenship by Election

  • Affidavit of Election of Philippine Citizenship
  • Identification Certificate of Election from BI

9. If applicant has been granted citizenship by Act of Legislation

  • Certified True Copy of the law granting citizenship
  • Foreign Birth Certificate authenticated by Philippine FSP

              Passport application Form- Please click here to download



A Travel Document is issued to the following common cases:

  1. Filipinos visiting Cambodia for tourism or short-term study and have lost their passports; and
  2. Filipinos with an expiring or expired passport and who must travel to the Philippines immediately (e.g. medical emergencies, passport is being processed for application, renewal, etc.).

The Travel Document issued by the Embassy has limited usability for direct non-stop travel to the Philippines only. It cannot be used for travelling to another country or for Philippine-bound travel with a stop in another country.


  • Accomplished Application Form
  • Affidavit of Loss (in case of lost passport), Affidavit of Explanation, or any declaration in Affidavit format of the need to apply for a Travel Document
  • Police Report in English (in case of lost passport)
  • Three (3) pieces passport-size photos
  • Photocopy of the lost Philippine passport’s information page, if applicable.
  • Fee of $30.00

 *Please note that processing of regular renewal of passports may take four (4) to six (6) weeks.

*For international travel, passports must be valid for at least 6 months from date of departure. We suggest that you renew your passport at least one (1) year before the date of expiration. 

*Passports unclaimed after one (1) year will be cancelled per Department Order No. 2021-012.