Dr. Anna RosylakovaDiscussion on STI

As part of its Gender and Development (GAD) program, the Philippine Embassy organized a roundtable discussion on women’s health on 19 December 2015.  Around thirty Filipinos came to listen to Dr. Vic Salas and Dr. Anna Rosylakova as they gave a presentation on reproductive health (concerns throughout the life cycle), early detection of breast cancer, cervical cancer, and measures to prevent sexually-transmitted infections. 

   Discussion with Dr. Vic SalasDr. Vic Salas

Dr. Salas, a Filipino doctor who has worked in over 15 countries, is an independent consultant whose area of expertise is in HIV/AIDS Program Development and Evaluation, research on  gender and sexuality, sexual and reproductive Health,  NGO/CSO organizational development and governance, and migration health.  Dr. Rosylakova, who is well-known among many expat women, is an obstetrician-gynecologist  at the Sen Sok International University Hospital and the Chief Resident Doctor of Women-Baby’s Center ANNA.

A question and answer session followed the presentations of the resource speakers.  

Front view of the ParticipantsParticipants on Womens Health 

Since many Filipino women working and living in Cambodia do not have the time to see a medical doctor, the attendees thanked the Embassy for organizing such a useful activity, which helped increase their awareness of important issues affecting their health. END