All residents in Preah Sihanouk City aged 18 or older, who have not been vaccinated, can go to vaccination venues between 8am to 5pm at the following schedules and venues:
- From 17 June 2021 onward, the vaccination will be taken place at:
- Hun Sen Klang Leu Primary and High School (For residents of Village 1, 2, and 3 of Sangkat 1)
- Techo Sen Kamakor Primary and Secondary School (For residents of Village 2, 3, and 4 of Sangkat 4)
- From 22 June 2021 onward, the vaccination will be taken place at:
- Sakura Primary and Secondary School (For residents of Village 3 or “Tumlup Rolok Village” of Sangkat 1)
- Samdech Ov Secondary School (For residents of Village 1, 2, and 3 of Sangkat 3)
- Hun Sen Mittapheap Primary and High School (For residents of Village 1, 5, and 6 of Sangkat 4)
To maintain public order and prevent the spread of COVID-19, PSPA will limit the daily number of people at each vaccination venue. Working groups from PSPA will distribute vaccination cards and registration forms to residents who will be vaccinated the next day. Those who have not received vaccination cards and registration forms should not come to the vaccination venues, must but wait until receiving the said-documents.
Documents that should be brought when coming to get vaccinated are National ID Card or Birth Certificate or Resident Book (for Cambodian nationals) and passport (for foreigner nationals), and the above-mentioned documents that were received from PSPA working groups.
17 June 2021, Phnom Penh