I M P O R T A N T   A D V I S O R Y


The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Phnom Penh informs all Filipinos residing and working in Cambodia of the pertinent provisions of Republic Act No. 8239 otherwise known as the "PHILIPPINE PASSPORT ACT OF 1996"


SEC. 11. Ownership of Passports. – A Philippine passport remains at all times the property of the Government (of the Philippines), the holder being a mere possessor thereof as long as it is valid and the same may not be surrendered to any person or entity other than the government or its representative.



SEC. 19. Offenses and Penalties. – A passport being a proclamation of the citizenship of a Filipino, is a document that is superior to all other official documents. As such, it should be accorded the highest respect by its holder that to do damage to its integrity and validity is a serious crime that should be penalized accordingly:



            (d) Offenses Relating to Improper Use; Penalties. - Any person who willfully and knowingly:

            (3) Furnishes, disposes, or delivers a passport to any person, for use by another or other than the person for whose use it was originally issued or designed.

            ... shall be punished by a fine of not less than Sixty thousand pesos (PhP60,000) nor more than One hundred fifty thousand pesos (PhP150,000) and imprisonment of not less than six                  (6) nor more than     fifteen (15) years


In view of the above, the Embassy reiterates its previous advisories and reminders that lending, pawning, accepting or any analogous act involving a passport in exchange for cash, loan or favor, is a prohibited criminal offense, which shall render those liable to be penalized and punished under Philippine laws.


10 August 2018

Phnom Penh