Phnom Penh, 18 September 2024 - Forty students of International Relations from BELTEI International University visited the Philippine Embassy in Cambodia on 17 September 2024 for an immersive learning experience on Philippine diplomatic and consular functions.

The Philippine Ambassador to Cambodia, Her Excellency Flerida Ann Camille P. Mayo, warmly welcomed the aspiring diplomats at the Chancery. “I am delighted to see this batch of potential diplomats who may one day chart the course of bilateral relations between the Philippines and Cambodia.  Perhaps, your visit will lead to an actual trip to the Philippines in the near future -- whether for study or leisure -- so that you can explore the cultural treasures and beauty of our 7,641 islands,” the Ambassador remarked.


Third Secretary and Vice Consul Genina Marion T. Rafal presented a general overview of the mandates and multi-faceted functions of the Philippine Embassy, as well as a snapshot of  Philippine-Cambodia relations. The audience listened attentively to personal anecdotes on the challenges along the road to becoming a junior diplomat. The ensuing Q&A session brought to the fore some important aspects of Philippines-Cambodia ties such as trade relations.  

The faculty and young visitors appreciated as well their tour of Sentro Rizal-Phnom Penh and a taste of Tenta snacks manufactured by Liwayway (Cambodia) Food Industries Co., Ltd. END