Phnom Penh – On 12 September 2024, Philippine Ambassador to Cambodia, Her Excellency Flerida Ann Camille P. Mayo, paid a courtesy call on the Minister of Women’s Affairs, Her Excellency Ing Kantha Phavi.


The Philippine Ambassador and Minister Ing discussed matters of priority concern including trafficking in persons cases involving Filipino women, gender equality and women’s empowerment, as well as the important role of women in peace and security.  Even as she acknowledged that more work was needed to close gender gaps, Ambassador Mayo touted the significant progress made by the Philippines in promoting gender and development including through a raft of laws addressing sexual harassment, providing safe spaces, supporting solo parents, fighting gender-based violence and mainstreaming the gender perspective in responses to natural disasters, among other areas.

Both sides reaffirmed their countries’ interest in enhancing bilateral cooperation through the exchange of best practices such as in gender budgeting and peacekeeping.  Ambassador Mayo and Minister Ing looked forward to forging partnerships between their offices in raising awareness of women’s issues and closer cooperation in responding to human trafficking cases.  END